Softcover, 152 p. 14 x 21 cm ISBN 978-84-188854-2-6
InAnna is a fiction in tribute to Anna Campbell and his struggle for a free world in Kurdistan.
Anna Campbell, a young british woman of 26 years old, and sister of the actress of the company, Sarah Campbell, was killed by the army Turkish march 15, 2018 in a bombardment in Afrin, Syria. He had travelled to Rojava to join the YPJ (protection Units female) eleven months before.
The complex web of political interests and international prevented the family of Anna to regain your body, and not to travel to Syria in search of answers to fill the void that was left after his death.
We recognize in our own time the tragedy in which a small human being rebels against an order that condemns him to perpetual defeat. The validity of the myth of Antigone is manifested in this combat ancestral causes us to question the very meaning of the struggle.
The forest of Miranda is a rewrite of the comedy of William Shakespeare, The tempest. Party of two fundamental premises: on the one hand, to give you a reading in a concrete and contemporary, told from the point of view of Miranda, the only female character of the classic; and, on the other, to build a cultural bridge between Peru and Spain, through to locate the argument in the Amazon, and to generate an artistic team integrated by partners of both countries.
The forest of Miranda is, above all, a story of love. Of a love so fiercely human that you get to jump their own rules; one who humbles himself and twists in the tempest of their extreme passions: revenge, jealousy, resentment, ambition, lust...