Dramawalker Lavapiés

The most curious of the Dramawalker Lavapiés it is the impossibility of defining its borders on a map. Lavapiés is not a neighborhood. Doesn't start and end. Part of Ambassadors, one of the six wards of the District Center of the capital madrid.

The history of Lavapiés is, therefore, the history of its people. Lavapiés is then a neighborhood, that is to say, the condition of being a neighbour of other people. But it is not a neighborhood either. Reflection of those early days of the working class struggle and the history of feminism, Spanish, today revolts at the turistificación in accepting migrants from all over the world, by defending the dignity of difference and neighborhood solidarity.

The stories that are included herein exhibit the memory of its inhabitants, as usual, of those who have come to stay, from those who are reluctant to have to leave and those who dream to return one day.


Artistic coordination

Mary Caudevilla


Denise Despeyroux, Maria Goiricelaya, Roberto Martín Maiztegui, Aurora Grill Camacho and Adrian Perea


Jesus Ravine, Cristina Car, Fernando Delgado-Iron, Denise Despeyroux, Juan Echanove, Quique Fernández, Óscar de la Fuente, María Goiricelaya Buron, Greta Manjón, José Manjón, Thimbo Samb and Pablo Vega.

Sound design

Nacho Bilbao and Pilar Calvo

Supervision sound design

Sandra Vicente

Direct sound

Jose Plaza

Recording studio


Recording engineer

Oscar Guzman


Ana Bustelo

Photography & video

Bárbara Sánchez Palomero


Centro Dramático Nacional